If your idea of Vietnamese cuisine consists entirely of vermicelli noodles and pho, you might want to get to VietNam Style(6100 Delmar Boulevard, 314-405-8438), pronto.
The brand-new restaurant, located on the eastern edge of the Loop, serves all the classics that American diners are used to — steaming bowls of pho, spring rolls and banh mi. But it's also offering a delicacy more familiar to recent ex-pats or diners who've partaken in Vietnam's food scene today: sizzling steak.
The dish features tenderized filet mignon topped with a sunnyside-up egg, grilled pork patties, sardines in a light tomato sauce and pork liver pate.…
The brand-new restaurant, located on the eastern edge of the Loop, serves all the classics that American diners are used to — steaming bowls of pho, spring rolls and banh mi. But it's also offering a delicacy more familiar to recent ex-pats or diners who've partaken in Vietnam's food scene today: sizzling steak.
The dish features tenderized filet mignon topped with a sunnyside-up egg, grilled pork patties, sardines in a light tomato sauce and pork liver pate.…